Manipulating Tables


Create a table. A RethinkDB table is a collection of JSON documents.

If successful, the operation returns a DDLResult {created=1}. If a table with the same name already exists, the operation throws RethinkDBException.

When creating a table you can specify the following options:

  • primaryKey: the name of the primary key. The default primary key is id;
  • durability: if set to “soft”, this enables soft durability on this table: writes will be
  • acknowledged by the server immediately and flushed to disk in the background. Default is “hard” (acknowledgement of writes happens after data has been written to disk);
  • datacenter: the name of the datacenter this table should be assigned to.

Example: Create a table named “dc_universe” with the default settings.

DDLResult result = r.tableCreate("dc_universe").run(connection);

Possible Signatures:

public TableCreate tableCreate(String tableName)
public TableCreate tableCreate(String tableName, String primaryKey, Durability durability, String datacenter)


Drop a table. The table and all its data will be deleted.

If succesful, the operation returns a DDLResult {“dropped”: 1}. If the specified table doesn”t exist a RethinkDBException is thrown.

Example: Drop a table named “dc_universe”.

DDLResult result = r.tableDrop("dv_universe").run(connection);


List all table names in a database. The result is a list of strings.

Example: List all tables of the “test” database.

List<String> result = r.tableList().run(connection);


Create a new secondary index on this table.

Example: To efficiently query our heros by code name we have to create a secondary index.

DDLResult res = r.table("dc").indexCreate("code_name").run(conn);

Example: You can also create a secondary index based on an arbitrary function on the document.

DDLResult res = r.table("dc").indexCreate("power_rating",
        hero -> hero.field("combat_power").add(hero.field("compassion_power").mul(2));


Delete a previously created secondary index of this table.

Example: Drop a secondary index named “code_name”.

DDLResult res = r.table("dc").indexDrop("code_name").run(conn);


List all the secondary indexes of this table.

Example: List the available secondary indexes for this table.

List<String> res = r.table("dc").indexList().run(conn);


Get the status of the specified indexes on this table, or the status of all indexes on this table if no indexes are specified.

Example: Get the status of all the indexes on test:

List<IndexStatusResult> res = r.table("dc").indexStatus().run(conn);

Example: Get the status of the timestamp index:

List<IndexStatusResult> res = r.table("dc").indexStatus("timestamp").run(conn);


Wait for the specified indexes on this table to be ready, or for all indexes on this table to be ready if no indexes are specified.

Example: Wait for all indexes on the table test to be ready:

List<IndexStatusResult> res = r.table("dc").indexWait().run(conn);

Example: Wait for the index timestamp to be ready:

List<IndexStatusResult> res = r.table("dc").indexWait("timestamp").run(conn);